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100 years of experience

and evolution

The pioneers


Dr. Albert Rémy was the pioneer of this incredible journey at the beginning of the last century with the invention of the diploscope (1902). This device was used for the correction of certain vision disorders including strabismus.

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Doctors Armbruster and Héloin continued the research and published comprehensive works summarizing their studies and their forensic applications.

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Georges Quertant (1894-1964)


Georges Quertant embarked on work of a completely different magnitude. He discovered the pedagogical (or educational) possibilities of the nervous system through the richness of vision, both through its sensory pathway and the numerous nerve centers it interacts with (midbrain centers, thalamus and hypothalamus, cortical areas of sensitivity, mnemonic and associative areas, pituitary gland), as well as the reflexes it evokes.


He thus demonstrated the self-regulatory influence of visual stimulation on these same regulatory centers of the highest functions in humans. He relied on Rémy's diploscope to conceive and develop a series of stereoscopic devices still used today.


Georges Quertant left behind a considerable body of work, of which we are the custodians committed to making accessible to all.

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"A luminous intellect"

Dr. J. Marchal, Member of the Directorate of the CNRS

Neuro&Co® - In the Era of Neuroscience!


Light Therapy


Combining this extraordinary technique of neuro-visual biofeedback with cutting-edge light therapy technologies was the first axis of development for Neuro&Co® devices.


Studies show: providing lighting as close as possible to the properties of sunlight in terms of intensity, temperature, and color spectrum allows for task performance without fatigue. It is also a key element in regulating circadian rhythms and a valuable support for mental balance and cognitive performance.


Brain Synchronization


The second axis of innovation focuses on brain synchronization. This mechanism is widely documented today and is used in medical practice. It allows, through sequential lighting (or stroboscopic) with very precise frequencies, to improve the coherence of nervous impulses in certain cortical areas (motor, associative, mental, emotional, etc.) and to harmonize the nervous activity of the right and left hemispheres.


In addition to a global functional rebalancing, this technique facilitates the process of reflex integration of the proposed test image.

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Historisque - Neuroscieces
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